baby products

Finding the safest detergent for your baby's laundry

Finding the safest detergent for your baby’s laundry

All parents want to do the right things for their children, and with newborns we need to be extra careful because their skin is still developing a protective outer layer until they are at least 12 months old. Without this oily layer of protection they’re more sensitive to chemicals that come up against their skin …

Finding the safest detergent for your baby’s laundry 閱讀更多

ecostore 媽媽之星 – Ziggy | Mums of ecostore – Ziggy

1. 最喜愛嘅 ecostore產品係 ? 我幾乎鍾意所有嬰兒同兒童產品!特別係皮膚同沖涼產品。我有一個幾歲嘅小朋友同埋一個初生BB,所以要非常注意佢哋接觸嘅化學物質。我哋身體通過皮膚吸收好多嘢,所以我淨係想我嘅小朋友使用最純潔、最安全嘅產品。   2. 點解鍾意用 ecostore 呢個品牌? 好多原因。我自己本身皮膚非常敏感,所以真係唔係任何產品都適合我用。ecostore 個人護理同清潔產品嘅清潔成分安全,加上功效一流。我另外特別鍾意樽嘅設計同包裝。我一向都盡量減少一次性塑膠嘅消耗,有時亦都唔太肯定塑膠係唔係真正被回收再造。所以,當知道 ecostore 嘅樽係用甘蔗製造,我真係好開心。   3. 你嘅小朋友用緊我哋嘅咩產品? 三歲嘅哥哥,最愛佢嘅兒童牙膏(我都係)。佢仲每晚都要求喺佢沖涼時加入 ecostore泡泡 (兒童泡泡浴)!   4. 用ecostore產品時有冇得意嘅經歷想大家分享? 我對漂白劑等化學物質非常敏感,如果我離漂白劑唔到一米,我就會即刻咳。 ecostore多功能清潔噴霧對清除油脂完全有效,對我同小朋友一樣咁安全。   5. 你點樣將ecostore產品加入你日常健康護理嘅程序度? 我哋所有個人護理產品都轉晒用 ecostore – 例如洗手液同牙膏,而且我都開始改用番梘沖涼。我真係希望我住喺其中一個 refill 站附近,但幸運地,透過網上商店,ecostore 可以將產品(由其係大 size) 直接送到你屋企!   想同大家分享你嘅ecostore 故事? 電郵比我哋啦。   1. Which is your favorite ecostore product? I love pretty much everything from the children’s range! Especially the …

ecostore 媽媽之星 – Ziggy | Mums of ecostore – Ziggy 閱讀更多

ecostore 媽媽之星 – Carmen | Mums of ecostore – Carmen

1. 成為 ecostore fans 年資? 超過5年。 2. 最喜愛嘅產品係 ? BB 泡泡浴 3. 點解鍾意用 ecostore 產品? 唔好以為環保產品的清潔力會比含化學成化的清潔用品差。一定要親身試過先知道有幾好。 4. 有咩產品使用心得? 起初我會將洗碗液擠到海綿上去洗碗, 但係洗咗幾隻之後又要再擠過, 擠極都唔夠。而家我會將少量洗碗液開入一盤水度, 就可以用嚟洗晒成堆碗碟, 又慳咗好多洗碗液喇! 想同大家分享你嘅ecostore 故事? 電郵比我哋啦。   1. How long have you been using ecostore products? Over 5 years. 2. Which is your Favourite product? ecostore Baby Bubble Bath 3. Why do you love our products? They just work as well as other …

ecostore 媽媽之星 – Carmen | Mums of ecostore – Carmen 閱讀更多

