我哋嘅玫瑰同天竺葵沐浴露獲獎! | Our Rose & Geranium Body Wash wins!
我哋好高興地宣布,ecostore 玫瑰天竺葵沐浴露被評選為2018年新西蘭 ‘NZ Best in Beauty Awards’ 嘅最佳沐浴露。 NZ Best in Beauty Awards 旨在表揚喺美容界有卓越表現嘅品牌,並且選出消費者喜愛嘅產品。 參與決賽嘅品牌同產品分別由Fashion Quarterly 時尚季刊,Woman’s Day 女性日誌,New Zealand Woman’s Weekly 新西蘭女性周刊,Australian Women’s Weekly 澳洲女性周刊,Simply You 簡約的你, Good Health Choices 健康之選同 NEXT雜誌嘅美容編輯選出。 勝出者隨後被超過250,000名讀者投票選出。 我哋為呢個獎項感到非常自豪,另外 ecostore SKIN系列嘅洗面乳喺嘅’面部護理’類別中亦都晉身決賽。 多謝所有投我哋一票嘅人! We are so pleased to announce that our Rose & Geranium Body Wash was voted as the Best Body Wash in …