healthy skin

Skincare testing, what does it all mean?

Skincare testing, what does it all mean?

Skincare products labeled “dermatologically tested” mean that a dermatologist has looked into how the skin is likely to react to the product and its ingredients. But the method and type of test can vary. So what should you look for, and what should you avoid?   SAFETY FIRST – WHY SKINCARE NEEDS TO BE TESTED …

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Harakeke: NZ’s hydrating native flax

Harakeke: NZ’s hydrating native flax

Harakeke is the Māori name for native New Zealand flax (Phormium tenax). We love this locally grown treasure, which is a key ingredient in our Hand and Body Washes.   HARAKEKE IN TRADITIONAL MĀORI CULTURE Harakeke, New Zealand’s most common flax, was essential to Māori, with each village tending its own plantation. Different varieties were planted …

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液態黃金:曼努卡蜂蜜喺護膚中嘅好處 | Pure gold: the benefits of Mānuka honey in skincare

呢種液態黃金因為並天然嘅抗菌、抗氧化同抗炎特性而喺全世界廣受歡迎。事實證明,佢可以幫助治愈、清潔同舒緩皮膚,甚至可以擊敗抗藥性細菌。 直接使用曼努卡蜂蜜可以修復、舒緩同滋養乾燥嘅皮膚,仲可以幫助醫治濕疹同皮膚炎。含豐富營養成分、維生素、氨基酸同埋天然保濕分子,難怪曼努卡蜂蜜對我哋內外都咁有益。而曼努卡蜂蜜嘅抗菌特性令佢真正與眾不同。 大多數蜂蜜因為含有氧化氫活性(HPA), 所以都會具有中等嘅抗生素特質。但係曼努卡蜂蜜另外仲含有一種稱為甲基乙二醛(MGO)嘅糖分子,雖然呢種糖分子喺大多數蜂蜜中都可以搵到, 但係喺曼努卡蜂蜜入面,MGO含量可以高達100倍。 新西蘭科學家彼得·莫蘭(Peter Molan MBE)博士發現,即使佢破壞曼努卡蜂蜜嘅HPA,同時將佢暴露於高溫、液體同光照下,曼努卡蜂蜜仍然具有好強嘅抗菌作用。呢個歸因於佢高濃度嘅甲乙二醛(methyglyoxal)。博士同佢嘅團隊仲證明咗曼努卡蜂蜜可以抵抗對一般抗生素具有抗藥性嘅細菌。 曼努卡蜂蜜係由蜜蜂喺一棵樸實無華嘅樹採摘到嘅花蜜,呢種樹嚟自野生偏遠嘅新西蘭鄉村。要最大限度咁增加曼努卡蜂蜜嘅數量,就需要廣泛咁將蜂箱放喺曼努卡樹木周圍嘅位置。 曼努卡蜂蜜同其他花蜜一樣聞起嚟都好香,但濃度又比較高,加上營養豐富,所以非常適合用嚟製成天然身體護理產品。我哋最新嘅薄荷蜂蜜洗手液同茉莉花蜂蜜沐浴露含有100多種MGO。茉莉花同蜂蜜同樣具有保濕性,溫柔呵護肌膚。每次沖洗身體時,薄荷同蜂蜜都煥發活力,而茉莉花同蜂蜜嘅迷人香氣會平靜你嘅感官。 This liquid gold is finding fame worldwide for its natural antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It’s been proven to help heal, cleanse and soothe skin and even beat antibiotic resistant bacteria. Applied directly, Mānuka Honey is healing, soothing and nourishing for dry, chapped skin and can also …

液態黃金:曼努卡蜂蜜喺護膚中嘅好處 | Pure gold: the benefits of Mānuka honey in skincare 閱讀更多

我哋嘅玫瑰同天竺葵沐浴露獲獎! | Our Rose & Geranium Body Wash wins!

我哋好高興地宣布,ecostore 玫瑰天竺葵沐浴露被評選為2018年新西蘭 ‘NZ Best in Beauty Awards’ 嘅最佳沐浴露。 NZ Best in Beauty Awards 旨在表揚喺美容界有卓越表現嘅品牌,並且選出消費者喜愛嘅產品。 參與決賽嘅品牌同產品分別由Fashion Quarterly 時尚季刊,Woman’s Day 女性日誌,New Zealand Woman’s Weekly 新西蘭女性周刊,Australian Women’s Weekly 澳洲女性周刊,Simply You 簡約的你, Good Health Choices 健康之選同 NEXT雜誌嘅美容編輯選出。 勝出者隨後被超過250,000名讀者投票選出。 我哋為呢個獎項感到非常自豪,另外 ecostore SKIN系列嘅洗面乳喺嘅’面部護理’類別中亦都晉身決賽。 多謝所有投我哋一票嘅人!   We are so pleased to announce that our Rose & Geranium Body Wash was voted as the Best Body Wash in …

我哋嘅玫瑰同天竺葵沐浴露獲獎! | Our Rose & Geranium Body Wash wins! 閱讀更多

