ocean pollution

world water day

World Water Day

Why water means the world to us 30 years ago, Malcolm and Melanie Rands founded ecostore on New Zealand’s Northland coast, in an eco-village dotted with pristine streams. The hardworking, highly effective products they created, without harmful or unnecessary chemicals, were designed to protect the people they loved and the environment they called home. The …

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ecostore's No Laundry Day

No Laundry Day: The whats and whys of our new initiative

Step away from the machine, Hong Kong. Discover the benefits of washing less. Did you know that every year, we Hong Kong people use 96.2 million litres of water for laundry? For perspective, that’s like leaving your shower running for 13 years. Wow. Laundry is a high water consumption household activity, accounting for anywhere from …

No Laundry Day: The whats and whys of our new initiative 閱讀更多


What to do about microfibres in your laundry

Lightweight, durable and cheap, about 60% of the world’s clothing is made from manmade fabric like polyester, acrylic and nylon. Aka plastic. And each time they’re washed, these garments shed tiny plastic microfibres into our water systems. The result is clothing’s huge contribution to the more than 1.4 million trillion plastic fibres estimated to be …

What to do about microfibres in your laundry 閱讀更多

