Hong Kong

ecostore's No Laundry Day

No Laundry Day: The whats and whys of our new initiative

Step away from the machine, Hong Kong. Discover the benefits of washing less. Did you know that every year, we Hong Kong people use 96.2 million litres of water for laundry? For perspective, that’s like leaving your shower running for 13 years. Wow. Laundry is a high water consumption household activity, accounting for anywhere from …

No Laundry Day: The whats and whys of our new initiative 閱讀更多

Hong Kong/ Macau bottle return locations

不斷更新: 香港/ 澳門空樽回收地點 | Regularly update: Hong Kong/ Macau bottles collection locations

港島區 Hong Kong Island   1. @ekologic.living 跑馬地晉源街16號 G/F, 16 Tsun Yuen St, Happy Valley 2. Shawganic 貨倉 ecostore Warehouse 黃竹坑業勤街35號金來工業大廈1座11C室 Unit 11C, Block 1, Kingley Industrial Building, 35 Yip Kan Street, Wong Chuk Hang 3. @wwfhk 熊貓店 香港中環纜車徑一號 1 Tramway Path, Central _ 新界區 New Territories   4. @awarestorehongkong 唐俊街 23 號 Monterey Place 地下 …

不斷更新: 香港/ 澳門空樽回收地點 | Regularly update: Hong Kong/ Macau bottles collection locations 閱讀更多

ecostore Hong Kong refill locations

不斷更新: 香港/ 澳門 補充地點 | Regularly update: Hong Kong/ Macau refill locations

港島區 Hong Kong Island   1. @ekologic.living 跑馬地晉源街16號 G/F, 16 Tsun Yuen St, Happy Valley 2. @foodforlifehk 灣仔皇后大道東75號地下 G/F, 75 Queen’s Rd E, Wan Chai 3. Great Food Hall 金鐘金鐘道88號太古廣場二期LG1樓 LG 1, Two Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty 4. 杏花新城 Paradise Mall Fusion by ParknShop 杏花邨盛泰道100號杏花新城 L2 二樓 Shop 217-230, Level 2, Paradise Mall, 100 Shing …

不斷更新: 香港/ 澳門 補充地點 | Regularly update: Hong Kong/ Macau refill locations 閱讀更多

